El tiempo -
One Speaks About


The importance of Intrinsic Motivation - Key elements of emotional Intelligence!

The intrinsic motivation is so important! It is one of those key elements of emotional intelligence. In general, people who are intrinsically motivated by what’s important to them, are much happier than people who focus on the external things that either their family might encourage them to do, or their society tells them they need to do, or whatever social group indicates that they should do. But when you are intrinsically motivated, you are in touch with your own values, you understand what you want, what you like, and you just go for it!

My guess is that if you don’t have a lot of intrinsic motivation, you maybe really haven’t explored what makes you tick…? You might be conflicted by those ‘shoulds’. There are so many shoulds in our world, they can confuse us and they can keep us stuck. I encourage you to dive deep, go inside, figure out what motivates you, and what you want!!!